Sunday, October 16, 2011


I searched online for further information on learning styles and it kept bringing me to MBTI quizzes and styles. I was intrigued so I read on. I decided to take a quiz to see what type of MBTI I was and this is what I found.

After making an initial self assessment of myself, taking the MBTI quiz and researching MBTI, I found that my personality type is ENFJ, which is commonly referred to as “The Giver”. I am very action oriented and get discouraged if I’m not able to finish the items on my To-Do list. In social settings I am very outgoing.

The only area that differed from my own assessment was the “Perception of Stimuli” variable. Initially I thought that I preferred to process information using the Sensing preferences. This type has a tendency to focus on details, facts, directions and repetition. I think the reason I came to this conclusion was that most of my jobs were in the finance and accounting industry, which encouraged me to use many of these traits. I struggled with this conflict but realized that although this is what I did everyday, it was not my passion and I didn’t enjoy it. What comes easier to me are actually the traits of Intuition (N), specifically, Future, Imagination, Innovation, Inspiration and Change.

I think it's important to know what MBTI's you have on your team so you can deal with them in an approach that works best with them. As we learned in the "Opposites Attract" article, it is beneficial to match diverse personalities so that there is better innovation. So in a group setting, if each of us has a unique MBTI, this will lead to interesting conversations and a mix of ideas. If most of the members are extroverted, we can expect that there is going to be a lot of sharing of ideas and information. Furthermore it would make it easier to get team members involved.

Here is a summary of some of the MBTI personality traits:

  • “Inspirer” - warm and motivates people.
  • “Duty Fulfiller” - careful observer.
  • "Executive" - likes to make decisions quickly, Natural leader.
  • "Performer" - very observant to the needs of others.
For further information about MBTI click the link below:

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