Saturday, October 1, 2011

I visited the website and, I have to say, at first I had no idea what it's purpose was. The main page has very small, dull text that makes it very hard to read. Advertisements take up half of the page and there are no big signs that indicate it's function or purpose. I mean even their name is unclear. TRIZ?! What's TRIZ?! Is that a play on the word Quiz? Maybe. But that's not something people would instantly think of when they see the name TRIZ.

So after spending more time experimenting with the site I realized is was tailored to engineers so I didn't feel so bad that it was way over my head. I mean I'm a business gal not an engineer. The website had different pages offering assistance. One was a patent look up and another was a Matrix or database of known solutions to help overcome contradictions found in engineering. This page was really confusing. On the vertical column is a list of features and you're supposed to pass the mouse over the numbers on the horizontal line to read what principle to use. I have to admit it was like reading in a different language. I did not understand it at all. Where are the engineers in the group? Could someone explain what this means?

Ok so then I went to the other page that listed the 40 principles. Yes that's where the number "40" comes in. Then it started to make much more sense. These were inventive and creative principles that could be used by anyone, not just an engineer.

Here is a sample of the principles:
  1. Segmentation - Divide an object into independent parts. - Example - Replace a large truck by a truck and trailer.
  2. Taking Out - Separate an interfering part or property from an object. - Example - Use the sound of a barking dog, without the dog, as a burglar alarm. (Love this)
  3. Feedback -Introduce feedback to improve a process. - Example - Use budgets as measurements used to decide when to modify a process. (Make perfect sense)
At first I wasn't sure what the site was for now I can see it's benefit. I can see how it can be applied to creativity and innovation. Some of these concepts can be used in brainstorming and developing ideas and prototypes for a product. Someone who is at a standstill and doesn't know how to address a specific problem their company is facing can look through these principles and these examples to get the mind going and thinking differently.

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