Sunday, October 16, 2011

Leadership Style

What is your leadership style? How will that affect how you grow your new business team?

Generally my leadership style is Participative. There are two other styles that I use, Delegative and Authoritative but I mostly gravitate to participating. I always accept suggestions from other team members and encourage their participation. However, in the end I believe the decision needs to be finalized and communicated by the leader. I understand that I'm not an expert in everything and the only way I'm going to make the best decision is by having feedback from those that are closest to the problem.

I think my leadership style is going to benefit my new business team. I will to make all the decisions on my own. Instead I'll get my team members involved in the decision making process. This will empower and motivate all group members and will encourage them to participate and provide suggestions and solutions.

Here are some other thoughts on leadership:

I know that a great leader is not born one, but instead works hard to develop those skills. It’s important to take time away from a busy life to self reflect and to identify areas of improvement. That’s the only way that they're going to improve these skills and become a better leader.

There are a lot of educational materials on leadership out there. It's important to take the time out to continue learning about leadership. As a leader I see that I’m assertive, that I’m charismatic and that my strengths are in my communication with others. I’m able to relate to others and develop strong relationships. I also realize that I need to work on my conflict management skills. I am very quick to put my needs second to others. I discovered what my MBTI is and how to identify the MBTI personality of others. I noticed that I’m a great team player. I know that this is partly because of my conflict management style of accommodating, which leads me to put my individual work aside to ensure that the group work is completed.

To learn more about different leadership styles, click the link below:

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