Sunday, October 16, 2011

Learning Styles

We talked about learning styles during the residential Saturday class yesterday. We learned that there are basically four types of learning styles:
  • Quick Start
  • Fact Finder
  • Implementer
  • Follow-Thru

It's important to know what styles your group is made up of so that you can adjust the way you deal with them in learning new roles or working on new tasks. I'm generally a Quick Start kind of person. When I have a new task that I'm excited about, I want to just right in, forget the details! Yes I already know the drawbacks here.

I'll usually become quickly overwhelmed. At that point I borrow from some of the other styles, especially the Follow-Thru style. I'll research the problem, make a priority list using Microsoft Project, assign the tasks and become a pest until the project is completed. I think it's really important to understand the styles and preferences of all your business partners so that it's a more effective relationship.

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