20 Innovative Tech Startups
This article provides good insight to the different approaches that companies have taken to use the Internet. An interesting mix of people and technology can do wonders. There is a lot of great information in the article and provides the perspective of a technology dependent world. The website “Kaggle” is one of the entrepreneurial ventures that really made me think, “Ah why didn’t I think of that?”. Inspired by the article, I did some research to see what other innovative tech startups were out there across the globe. Developing countries like China, India and most of the Asia Pacific countries have also shown great support and drive for innovation. I happened to find one such startup called “Kwench”.
Library Redefined
/’kwench is India’s first corporate library solutions provider, bringing a paradigm shift to the concept of conventional corporate libraries.
It offers convenient access to a wide range of books, meeting both professional and personal needs. It is an unfulfilled need for most book readers. This is particularly true for the customer who spends most of their time at work. From a corporation’s standpoint, setting up a good quality library requires management effort, capital expenditures on books, administrative effort and costly real estate. I remember when I worked as an Auditor right out of school for my undergraduate degree; we used to have a whole room dedicated to storing all the Audit and Tax publications and guidelines. We would receive updates to specific sections periodically and as industry guidelines and rules were modified, which could be quite frequent. We would have to remove the outdated sheets and add in the replacements. It was very tedious and there was little value added.
The launch of /’kwench/ library services enables employees to conveniently access books across 40 plus categories that cater to the professional and personal reading needs of the individuals. Customers can search for titles on the website and place an order to borrow the material. The collection is accessed online while the physical book is shipped to the customer’s workplace within 24 hours. This eliminates the administrative task up updating physical references, like I once did and saves precious space that can be better utilized.
To read the article or for further information about /’kwench/ please see the links below:
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